How do I onboard as a Renter?

  • Updated

When you receive the invitation link from your landlord.

1. Activate your free renter account and create a password for your account.

If your email is a Google email, you have the option to “Continue with Google.” Make sure you are using the same email

2. Confirm your first and last name

3. Secure your account by verifying your phone number. Enter your US mobile phone (no VOIP numbers), and you will receive an instant verification via text

4. You will be able to review your rent payments and the details of your lease. If there are issues with the details of your rent payments please contact your landlord, as they can make the changes

5. Add your payment method by either your bank account or a debit or credit card

6. Pay your rent

7. Set up Auto Pay to never miss a rent payment or get charged a late fee

8. Enrol in Rent Reporting (optional - you can do it at a later date)

See this article for details about Rent Reporting.


Please see our onboarding guides in English and Spanish below.

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