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Renters & Tenants
Renters & Tenants
Rent payment and payment methods
Why was I charged a late fee and how is it applied?
How can I change or cancel a scheduled payment?
When will my landlord receive my rent payment? What happens if my rent payment fails?
How do I enroll in Auto Pay? How do I change my Auto Pay details?
How do I pay an invoice?
How do I add a payment method to Baselane to pay my invoices?
See all 7 articles
How can I build credit by reporting rent payments with Baselane?
How do I onboard as a Renter?
Can I get renters insurance with Baselane?
How do I unsubscribe from emails?
What do I do if I didn't receive the invite from my landlord?
How do Renters use Baselane?
See all 9 articles
Account Management
How do I delete my account?
How do I change my password?
Where can I see my Rent Collection details and my deposits held?
I’m having issues logging into my tenant account. How can I change my password?