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RE Investors & Landlords
RE Investors & Landlords
General Inquiries
Can I import CSV files into Baselane?
Code of Conduct for Baselane's public feature request board
What is Stripe?
How do I unsubscribe from emails?
How does Baselane keep my money and information secure?
Is my Baselane account FDIC insured?
See all 14 articles
Profile & Settings
How to Collaborate and Invite Additional Users to Your Baselane Workspace
Promoted article
Can my accountant and/or property manager also use Baselane?
How do I update my profile? How do I set up a Business Profile?
How do I change my login password? What do I do if I forgot my password?
Two-factor authentication - unable to login
Protect your account: A guide to preventing phishing attacks
Baselane Banking - General
What is the difference between a Checking account and a Savings account with Baselane Banking?
How do I add and manage third party recipients?
What are the benefits of having a Baselane Banking account?
Can I remove a bank account from Baselane that is collecting rent payments?
Baselane Banking: video library (product tour + how to's)
Baselane Banking - Managing & Opening an Account
What is required to open a Baselane Banking account?
How do I open a Baselane Banking account?
How do I find out the status of my Baselane Banking account application?
Who can open a Baselane Banking account?
How can I cancel my draft/pending Baselane Banking account application?
Where can I find my routing and account number for my Baselane Banking account?
See all 17 articles
Baselane Banking - Cards & ATM
How can I check the transaction activity on my Baselane Banking accounts?
How do I activate my Baselane debit card and set my PIN? Can I change my PIN? Do virtual cards have PINs?
What do I do if my physical debit card is lost or stolen? How do I replace my physical debit card?
When will I receive my Baselane debit card?
What do I do if I don’t recognize, or want to dispute a transaction?
Can I request an additional physical card for my main Checking account?
See all 17 articles
Baselane Banking - Checks
How to order a checkbook?
How can I deposit checks into my Baselane account?
Can I send and deposit checks with my Baselane Banking account?
I had an issue with my mobile check deposit: what do I do now?
How can I send checks with Baselane?
Baselane Banking - Transfers & Payments
How to schedule and manage one-time or recurring transfers (transfers between accounts)?
How do I create and manage recurring scheduled payments?
How do I schedule and manage one-time payments?
How can I send an ACH transfer from my Baselane Banking Account to a connected external bank account?
How do I manage and send funds to vendors/payees/recipients?
How to pay my mortgage from my Baselane Banking account?
See all 14 articles
External Banks & Cards
How to stop Importing transactions from an external account
Can I link multiple bank and credit card accounts?
How do I add one of my External Bank accounts or credit card?
How do I edit or remove a bank or credit card account?
How often does Baselane update my transaction data from linked accounts? What happens if the connection breaks?
Does Baselane connect with Paypal, Venmo, CashApp, or Zelle?
See all 8 articles
How can I hide an imported transaction from Baselane?
How do I manually add a transaction?
How do I search for and filter transactions?
How do I track my rental expenses in Baselane?
How do I categorize my expenses in Baselane? Is it automatic?
How do I split a transaction?
See all 10 articles
Rent Collection - General
How do I end and archive rent collection for a tenant? How do I delete a draft Rent Collection?
What rent collection schedules does Baselane offer?
How do ACH fees for rent collection work?
How to setup a lease through Rocket Lawyer
Rent Collection: video library (product tour + how to's)
Setting Up Rent Collection
How to Set Up Per Day Late Fees in Baselane's Rent Collection Tool
How to set up future and multi-leases for the same property
How do I set up Rent Collection to collect rent and invite a tenant?
How do I set up one-time payments, like security deposits and last month’s rent?
How do I invite my tenant to Baselane?
How do I get verified to collect rent on Baselane?
See all 7 articles
Rent Collection - Receiving Payments
My tenant's payment failed. What’s next?
How can I view the payment status for an invoice and verify that my tenant has made payment?
How long does it take for rent payments to process?
How do I select which bank account to receive rent payments into?
If my tenant does not pay rent via Baselane, can I still track rent on Baselane?
How are late fees calculated?
See all 7 articles
Rent Collection - Invoices
How do I refund or give a credit to my tenant?
Once Rent Collection is set up, how do I edit an invoice? How do I mark an invoice as paid and/or delete an invoice?
Where can I view and edit an existing Rent Collection?
How can I create a one-time invoice to send to my tenant?
Rent Collection - Managing Tenants
Can I Screen Tenants with Baselane?
How to add an new tenant to an unit/property that is currently occupied and receiving rent
How can I delete my tenant's account?
How do I resend an invite to my tenant?
How do I update my tenant’s profile?
How do I know if my tenant accepted my invitation and is set up on Baselane?
See all 7 articles
How to Use Latchel for Maintenance Requests
How do I add a new property?
How do I add my property financials?
How do I update an existing property?
How do I delete a property?
How do I delete a unit within a property?
Cash Flow & Property Analytics
What financial reports can I obtain from Baselane?
What property metrics can I track in Baselane and how does Baselane calculate them?
What insights can Baselane provide into my cash flow and property performance?
What data can be received from tracking my cash flow?
How can I generate and download custom cash flow statements?
Tax Support
Will I receive a 1099-INT tax form for my Baselane Banking Savings account(s)?
What is a 1099-K form? Does Baselane provide me with one?
How can Baselane help me prepare my taxes?