Once Rent Collection is set up, how do I edit an invoice? How do I mark an invoice as paid and/or delete an invoice?

  • Updated

Step 1: Go to the Rent Collection page

Step 2: Select the property/unit that contains the invoice you wish to edit

Step 3: Click on 'View All Invoices' to view all the invoices related to the selected property/unit

Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 2.37.32 PM.png

Step 4: Locate the invoice that you want to edit and click on the arrow on the right of the invoice

Step 5: Select 'Edit Invoice' from the menu

Step 6: Edit the due date, amount, and invoice line items as required

Step 7: Review the modifications made

Step 8: Click on 'Save' to finalize the changes

The tenant will be notified that their invoice has been updated.

How do I mark an invoice as paid?

If your tenant has sent their rent payment to you outside of Baselane, you have the option to manually mark their invoice as paid. To do so, follow the steps above until you get to step #5. From there, instead of selecting the 'Edit Invoice' button, you will select the 'Mark as Paid' button.

How do I delete an invoice?

If you want to delete an invoice, follow the steps above until you get to step #5. From there, instead of selecting the 'Edit Invoice' button, you would select the 'Delete Invoice' button that is at the bottom of the invoice details page.

To create a new one-time invoice, see here.

Note: If any modifications are made to the invoices, it will disable Auto Pay for tenants enrolled in Auto Pay.

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