To update the mailing address for your Baselane Banking account, please see the steps below:
Sign into your Landlord account
Go to the Baselane Banking tab on the left side navigation bar
Select which one of your Baselane Banking accounts you want to make this update for
At the top of this page, select the blue 'Entity Details' button below the name of your Baselane Banking account (your name for Sole Proprietor accounts, or the name of your Business for Business Entity accounts)
From the 'Edit Account' pop-up, select the pencil button to the right of the mailing address
Enter the desired mailing address
Select the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom to save your changes
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1 comment
Is there a way to change the legal address for Baselane Banking accounts? I was able to change the mailing address, but the legal address doesn't have an edit button. Thanks!
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