How do I send a wire payment?

  • Updated

To send a Wire payment, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Baselane Banking or Transfers & Payments tab
  • Select the ‘Move Money’ button
  • Select ‘Send Money’
  • Follow the steps below to send the Wire payment: 

1) Select an existing recipient or add a new recipient

2) This will bring you to ‘Recipient Details’, where you can either select ‘Wire payment’ from the Payment Methods drop-down menu for the existing recipient or add the Wire payment details for a new recipient

3) Input the payment details for the Wire payment. After inputting the payment details, you'll have the option to select if you want this payment to be a one-time payment or a recurring payment

  • See here, for details about one-time scheduled payments and here for details on recurring scheduled payments

4) In Step 4, you have the option to add a message to the recipient or bookkeeping details (category, a note or an attachment) to the payment

5) *** Please note that if your recipient's wire instructions include For Further Credit Information (for example, For Further Credit Account Name, or For Further Credit Account Number), you'll need to include that in the "Message for the recipient" in Step 4. Please make sure to follow this format: FFC [account details] 



6. Review the payment details and send it


Wire cutoff times.

Wire payments submitted from Baselane before 6 PM ET will be processed on the same day. Baselane’s domestic Wire processing times are 10 AM ET, 1:00 PM ET and 6 PM ET. Any domestic Wire instructions received after 6 PM ET, on weekends, or on federal bank holidays will be processed the next business day. You can see the status of this payment in the 'Activity' section of the Transfers & Payments tab.

Wire fees.

Please note that the fee for an outbound wire is $15 per wire (starting from Q1 2025).

Inbound wires are free. However, please note that the sending bank may charge you a fee for sending an outbound wire.

Wire limits.

The current Wire payment limits for individual Baselane Banking accounts are a $250k daily limit and a $500k monthly limit. If you want to submit a Wire payment that exceeds these limits, please reach out to Baselane Support at, from Mon-Fri 8 AM - 8 PM EST. Call us at +1 (888) 586-1618 from Mon-Fri 9 AM - 4 PM EST.

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